We are pleased to announce the inaugural FAiR NFP newsletter!
Since the October 2013 activation of the 10C/28C runway (aligned with Wilson Avenue in Chicago) and the full operation of runway 9L/27R (aligned with Pratt Avenue in Chicago), official noise complaints registered by residents living within twenty-five miles of O’Hare Airport has risen from 29,000 (end of 2013) to 12.5 million (cumulative through July 2017). Annually, noise complaints have increased from 29,000 (2013) to 268,000 (2014) to 4.1 million (2015) to 5 million (2016) to an expected 5.7 million (through the end of 2017). Average monthly complaints are now 472,000 (through July 2017), and for the first time have exceeded 600,000 (May 2017). Increasing complaints are the result of the aforementioned 10C/28C and 9L/27R runways, runway 10R/28L (opened October 2015) aligned with Berteau Avenue in Chicago, in addition to the closing of the two diagonal runways 14L/32R and 14R/32L. The final new runway 9C/27C (aligned with Granville Avenue south of Devon Avenue in Chicago) is scheduled for completion in 2020.
What will this noise crisis look like in the future?
At the current rate, annual complaints will exceed 10.5 million by 2023. Over ten years (2014 through 2023), total complaints will accumulate to 65.8 million.
Our elected officials have failed!
Over the past four years, municipal, county, state, and federal elected and appointed political leaders have ignored the increasing and unprecedented volume of complaints generated by thousands of residents living in proximity to the newly created, noise-generating flight paths. Since October 2013, Chicago and suburban residents have endured the worst civic jet noise problem in the United States, arguably the world. The sheer magnitude of complaints demonstrates that our elected and appointed representatives have failed in their mandate to reduce aircraft noise in the communities surrounding O’Hare. Due to the ineffective, unaccountable, dysfunctional, incompetent and arrogant conduct of our elected and appointed representatives, Chicago and suburban residents endure an ongoing public health catastrophe. The distain and callous disregard that our elected and appointed representatives have displayed to impacted residents is disgraceful and immediately disqualifies them to serve in the public interest.
This colossal failure of leadership demonstrates that our elected representatives serve the interests of the airlines, FAA and the Chicago Department of Aviation by defending, enabling and apologizing for the long-term systematic destruction of residential quality of life and community. This failure has neither diminished their conceit nor cowardice in addressing the massive tally of monthly residential noise complaints. Of equal importance, their inability to respond to the rise of carcinogenic air pollutants, housing infrastructure damage, and replacement window decay resulting from elevated volume and frequency, lower altitude, highly concentrated flights paths has led to a collapse in the community’s confidence in their ongoing oversight. Unless we act NOW legally and politically, Chicago and suburban residents will PERMANENTLY endure a significantly lower standard of living.
What is FAiR doing about it?
We are proud to announce that Fair Allocation in Runways has formed a not-for-profit, incorporated 501(c)(3) (“FAiR NFP”). FAiR NFP is dedicated to assembling homeowners, renters, commercial interests, small businesses, public and private institutions, and community organizations to fight against the powerful interests that have normalized the jet noise, air pollution and infrastructure damage over the last four years. FAiR NFP is a cross-section of people across metropolitan Chicago who have become activists due to the altered runway patterns and increased plane traffic at O’Hare and Midway. These changes, made without resident input or informed consent, has negatively affected our daily lives, our sleep, and property values. We will use LEGAL and POLITICAL means to reach our objectives.
FAiR NFP will work to 1) Support and champion immediate and long-term solutions to mitigate and abate noise and air pollution generated by current and future airport operations; 2) Educate community members, elected and appointed officials and business interests that increasing the utilization of regional airports is necessary to safely meet the future airport capacity needs of the entire region; 3) Coordinate interested parties into strong, influential support groups to influence the outcome of future elections while proposing community-sensitive, regionalized aviation policy and 4) Litigate, if necessary, to compel our elected and appointed political representatives to enforce existing municipal, state, and federal laws on behalf of the public interest.
How will FAiR accomplish its goal?
There is only one way and that is with your help!
What can you do?
1) Tell your neighbors to join FAiR NFP.
FAiR NFP can only accomplish its mission with the proper financial support. DONATIONS ARE VITAL! Monthly recurring donations are the most effective way to accomplish our mission.
We are grateful for your support and will gladly accept donations through our website via credit card or mail (through our printable donation form). Donations are tax-deductible and please inquire with your employer if they provide matching contributions to the charity of your choice.
Please understand that we cannot fight to correct this horrible injustice without your support.
Thank you,
FAiR NFP Leadership
Please Donate Now!