This is a friendly reminder that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has a webpage that can be accessed by residents affected by aircraft noise.
The webpage notes that the FAA’s Aviation Noise Ombudsman is a liaison with the public when aircraft noise issues are not being addressed by local public officials.

As most of our members have witnessed, the O’Hare Noise Compatibility Commission (ONCC) deliberately schedules its meetings at times inconvenient for the public to attend, with the intent to silence dissent. With 5.5 million noise complaints filed for calendar year 2017, public officials have directly ignored their constituents. FAiR NFP urges our members to directly email the FAA. Below is a template you can use to help outline your e-mail:
Subject Line: Unaddressed Noise Complaints in Chicago
First and Last Name
Street Address
Zip Code
Time(s) and date(s) you are experiencing the noise disturbance(s)
Describe the event and the location as best you can -- type of aircraft causing the complaint (i.e., jet, cargo) at your home
Aircraft Description — Provide any additional details to help describe the aircraft (color, number and placement of large wing(s) (top, middle, bottom of aircraft), and number and placement of engines (tail, body, wing).
Airport Source — O’Hare or ORD
Repeat Occurrence — Indicate if this is a repeat occurrence (Yes/No)
Officials Contacted to Date: Indicate your previous attempts to register noise complaints with official individuals and/or agencies, where their responses were insufficient or unsatisfactory. Examples of entities you may have contacted might include: Mayor Rahm Emanuel, Chicago Department of Aviation, ONCC, your Alderman or local official, your Congressman, Senator etc.
According to the webpage: “The best way to contact the FAA Aviation Noise Ombudsman is by sending an email to the address below. These messages can be efficiently distributed to the appropriate subject matter experts to address your concern. If you would prefer to call and leave a voice mail or send in a letter through the mail, you may do so using the contact information listed below.”
Email: 9-awa-noiseombudsman@faa.gov
Phone: (202) 267-3521
Federal Aviation Administration, Aviation Noise Ombudsman, AEE-2 800 Independence Ave. S.W. Washington, DC 20591