December 27, 2018
Happy Holidays FAiR NFP members and donors!
From Geneva to Elmhurst, from Norwood Park to Bensenville, from Park Ridge to Niles, and from Itasca to Lincolnwood, we hear you loud and clear! And thank you to all residents, businesses and public institutions that have, thus far, donated since our non-profit 501c3 announcement!
For 2017, monthly average complaints are 467,447 (through September). That is a remarkable figure considering average monthly complaints ten years ago (2008) was 207! Again…Two...Hundred…Seven! To put that into perspective, total monthly aircraft operations (that’s just the total number of arrivals and departures, commercial and cargo, day and overnight) for 2008 was 73,464. For 2017, total monthly aircraft operations were 71,900 (through September).
So amazingly, the total monthly aircraft operations have DECREASED relative to ten years ago while average monthly complaints have increased 226,000%. Again…Two…Hundred…Twenty-Six…Thousand…Percent! When this unprecedented percentage is mentioned to one of your elected and appointed municipal, state, and federal representatives overseeing the O’Hare buildout, runway reconfiguration, and flightpath reorientation, you will incredibly witness (as we have) a resigned shrug and the following response “Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do, but we feel your pain”. Angry yet?
To add insult to injury, the ONCC (O’Hare Noise Compatability Commission), the organization that is “dedicated to reducing the aircraft noise in the communities surrounding O’Hare…” will be reengineering the official Chicago Department of Aviation (CDA) noise complaint application. The new application will include a CAPTCHA component (an example of CAPTCHA is when you have to type in the wavy letters in the box) that will effectively discount the number of complaints logged by affected residents. Once implemented (likely after January 1, 2018), CAPTCHA will ultimately serve to discourage residents from reporting multiple complaints due to repetitive noise exposure events (jets flying 2-4 minutes apart over homes). This will also serve the ONCC’s, CDA’s, FAA’s mandate of demonstrating that they have LOWERED complaints….by…abracadabra…making it more difficult for residents to complain. Angry yet?
In the next few weeks, FAiR NFP will be unveiling our comprehensive strategy based on viable legal and political options designed to directly address citizen concerns regarding adverse noise impact, air pollution exposure, and infrastructure damage. Please hold tight!
How will FAiR NFP accomplish its goal?
There is only one way and that is with your help!
What can you do?
1) Tell your neighbors to join FAiR NFP.
FAiR NFP can only accomplish its mission with the proper financial support. DONATIONS ARE VITAL! Monthly recurring donations are the most effective way to accomplish our mission.
We are grateful for your support and will gladly accept donations through our website via credit card or mail (through our printable donation form). Donations are tax-deductible and please inquire with your employer if they provide matching contributions to the charity of your choice.
Please understand that we cannot fight to correct this horrible injustice without your support.
Thank you,
FAiR NFP Leadership