February 4, 2019
The FAA will be holding meetings this week on what is called Interim Fly Quiet (IFQ) . This plan involves changing the overnight runways used each week and uses both parallel and diagonal runways, all of which go over heavily populated areas.
When the O'Hare Modernization Plan was formulated, an environmental impact statement was conducted and the overnight plan was approved. The O'Hare Noise Compatibility Commission has come up with a new plan that spreads the noise to other communities that were not originally impacted as heavily and involves sending overnight cargo and other large airplanes over communities that have not had overnight traffic in the past. This plan would be in effect until close to the final build out of the O'Hare modernization plan and a permanent plan may be modeled after this interim plan.
FAiR opposes IFQ and the believes the only way to provide a true Fly Quiet program and provide relief for all negatively impacted residents is through a nighttime curfew. To learn more, please visit our website.
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) released the Draft Re-Evaluation document of the O'Hare Modernization Environmental Impact Statement for the Proposed Interim Fly Quiet (IFQ).
The document is available online to the public through the following link:
FAA representatives will be available to provide information about the Draft Re-Evaluation document during Public Workshops scheduled on the following dates:
Monday, February 4, 2019
Belvedere Events and Banquets
1170 West Devon Avenue
Elk Grove Village, Illinois 60007
Tuesday, February 5, 2019
White Eagle Banquets
6839 North Milwaukee Avenue,
Niles, Illinois 60714
Wednesday, February 6, 2019
Hanging Gardens Banquet Rooms
8301 West Belmont Avenue
River Grove, Illinois 60171
Thursday, February 7, 2019
The Diplomat West
681 West North Avenue
Elmhurst, Illinois 60126
Each Public Workshop will start at 2 p.m. and conclude by 8 p.m.
